The Kybalion presents a set of principles or laws that reflect the teachings of Hermeticism. While interpretations may vary, the following are commonly recognized as the Seven Hermetic Principles or Laws of The Kybalion:

The Principle of Mentalism

This principle states that the universe is mental in nature. It suggests that the underlying essence of all things is consciousness or mind. It emphasizes the power of thoughts, beliefs, and the mind’s influence on shaping reality.

The Principle of Correspondence

This principle asserts that there is a harmony and correspondence between different planes of existence. It suggests that patterns, laws, and principles observed in one realm can be found in others. “As above, so below; as below, so above.”

The Principle of Vibration

This principle states that everything in the universe is in a state of constant motion and vibration. It suggests that all phenomena, including thoughts and emotions, are manifestations of varying frequencies or vibrations.

The Principle of Polarity

This principle recognizes the existence of polar opposites or dualities in the universe. It emphasizes that everything has two poles, and extremes are just the opposite ends of the same thing. By understanding and transcending polarities, one can achieve greater balance and harmony.

The Principle of Rhythm

This principle highlights the existence of rhythms, cycles, and patterns in the universe. It suggests that everything has its ebb and flow, rise and fall, and that understanding and harmonizing with these rhythms can lead to mastery and balance.

The Principle of Cause and Effect

This principle states that every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause. It suggests that nothing happens by chance or without a reason. Understanding the interplay of causes and effects allows one to consciously shape their reality.

The Principle of Gender

This principle recognizes the presence of masculine and feminine energies or principles in all things. It emphasizes that gender exists not only in the physical sense but also as mental and spiritual attributes. Balancing and harmonizing these energies is considered essential for wholeness and creation.

These principles, according to The Kybalion, provide a framework for understanding the nature of reality, the interconnectedness of all things, and the potential for personal growth and transformation. They offer guidance for exploring the mysteries of the universe and gaining insights into the workings of both the inner and outer worlds.